
Apparently People Don't Give Goats Baths.....

I woke up this morning, got ready for work and called Jason to check on Eli. He said he was very poor and that he would be surprised if he makes it. This saddens me because Eli is just the sweetest little thing. He is a one year old Saanen buck. Jason said that he was eating in the field but that he was just nothing but skin and bones. I asked about Ellie and he said that she was doing very well and that he was going out soon to spend some time with them. 
Being the super sappy girly girl that I am, I decided it would be a good idea to maybe give Eli a bath and pamper him a bit - you know, make him feel at home. I thought that being shown some extra love and attention, he might get a little more strength to survive. I texted Jason my idea and he made fun of me all day. When I texted him back that he needed to have a hose AND extension cord out there because I was also going to blow-dry him, the jokes kept coming.....he was gonna sell tickets....he asked should we bring him in and give him a warm bath....cook him a fine dinner, etc. 
When I got off work, I headed over there to do my good deed. I was really excited actually, but then I took one look at Eli and how frail he looked and decided that he didn't need to be put through that kind of stress. The poor boy was extremely weak. You could barely push him and his legs would almost buckle. It made me very sad and left me with a lot of questions. How did he get this way? Why was Ellie so much healthier? They both had a temperament that was consistent with being loved and they showed so much affection towards us, the boy at the farm where we got Eli, was doting on Eli the entire time we were there. I was baffled by the condition of Eli. We decided to go to the feed store and get him some high calorie sweet feed.
We get to the feed store and I am trying to get Eli a fancy feed bowl to tie to the fence. Jason laughs and tells me that is not necessary and informs me that it will never work. I continue to look around this foreign place for some zip ties. I am determined to get the bowl and zip-tie it to the fence. I AM WINNING THIS ONE. I can't seem to find any zip ties, but I do see a solar powered electrical fence. I think this would be a great way to keep the deer out of my garden. For a second I am distracted from the whole fancy feeding bowl, and I proceed to get some fence stakes and then decide if I am gonna be a REAL farmer, I need some overalls. If you have ever been to a feed store clothing section, you will know that the selection isn't exactly fashionable. They have no womens overalls, so I pick out a pair of dark, dark, dark, and super stiff overalls that I am sure will look hideous. 
Before we check out, Jason tells me WHY the feeding bowl wont work. He explains that we need to hand feed Eli so that the other goats don't eat his food - so that we can be sure he is eating. This makes perfect sense. I cave and put the bowl back. Jason, you win. We get back to the farm and I head home to Athens still worried about Eli. I am just hoping he pulls through another cold night.


  1. It is very essential to make sure you feed through the winter months and corn is a great thing to fatten up with in a snap. Worm him also after he has picked up some weight. That is a major plight for any farm animal to have to deal with. Shirley's has a great selection and they can set you in the right direction. Pick up some colloidal silver water and give it to him to boost his immune system! We swear by it.
    I hope that helps!

  2. Tom has zip ties if u need them! come on over!U are right it is better to have them eat out of something just to be more sanitary!
