Jason and I had been toying with the idea to use creek water for our artisan gardening. We even had a plan in place for the irrigation system and the water lines were in place. After some consideration, we decided it would be best to talk with the Department of Natural Resources and ask for their advice on the matter. The most sustainable way to water would be to use a well. We not only want to use the purest water possible, we also want to protect and preserve the environment while not having to resort to chemically treated water. The well wins!
Now onto bigger things - our raised beds! So far we have gotten all the beds we need and now need to screen our topsoil. Maybe you are wondering why we are choosing to use raised beds....well, mostly because I work full time aside from the farming, and my goal is to actually ENJOY artisan gardening instead of having to spend every waking minute pulling weeds when I am not at my day job. When you plow the ground and plant in the ground - and plan on growing WITHOUT the use of chemicals for weeds, etc., you might as well let that garden be your full time job and as much as I would LOVE to work in a garden all day, I have to spend my days in an office .... wah! Maybe one day that will be a possibility.....
We have created a nice little screening contraption and it seems to work pretty efficiently - it is definitely a great upper body work out! We have a mixture of topsoil plowed from the woods underneath a whole fall and winters collection of leaves - and it is gorgeous and black, and mixed with some compost and manure, these will be prime growing beds!
The other goal before the end of the day is to transplant asparagus. We were lucky enough to have several heirloom plants dug up and given to us by Emma and Harry from the orchards where we got the blueberries and peaches last summer. This couple is moving some goats to their old garden space and asparagus is very toxic to goats, so they told us we are free to come and dig up as much as we want since it can't stay where it is at. Thanks guys!!
The whole time I am planting this asparagus, Jason has to constantly remind me "don't pat down the soil" - I have no idea why I keep doing this...maybe because it reminds me of making mud pies as a kid...who knows? Any way, we get all the plants in one box and now it is time to take care of the goats and chickens.
Eli and Sugar have been moved out to the acre next to the garden space and the chickens are kind of "in transit" at the moment. Maybe this weekend or next we will have all the animals down there with Brutus as the watchman.
The eggs are collected, the goats are watered and spoiled with a little sweet feed, and now it is time to get home. The sun is setting and the daylight is coming to an end. On the way home, I hit a deer and luckily wasn't hurt, just some car damage - and MY EGGS SURVIVED!!!
All in all, it was a very productive day and I can't wait to get back out there! Today I am heading out to Abby's Apiary to pick up some honey for some of our egg buyers. Anyone want some?
Looks like you guys are doing awesome!!!!