Well, I have fallen behind a bit on posting regularly like I did last year, but hope to be a bit more consistent from here on out! So much has happened since the last 'Acre' update! Lots of really great things and a few not so great....the little baby birdies that I found in the barn ended up being abandoned by the mama bird and so they didn't make it either. It was pretty sad to walk out to peek in the nest and see teeny tiny lifeless birdies. They were buried in the garden though... Now with the good news: Milly had a check-up last Saturday with Dr. Dzimianski (her regular veterinarian), and she got a positive report! He said she seemed to be doing well! He said that for now, just keep her in t-shirts until all her lesions clear up and the fur grows back and once that happens, we will see if she can go without a shirt. Swirls, the barn kitty below, has really been hamming it up with the camera....

Ellen and Misty are always battling each other, trying to push the other one out of the way for mor attention...
I have lots and lots of tomatoes!!
Peaceful serene day at the 'office'...
Dale and Baby enjoying a run in the field....
Look at these mean pit bulls.... ;)
Dr. Dziamanski was really impressed with how good Eli looks now, knowing everything he has been through. He has been healthy and playful and full of spunk for a little over a year now!!
Black walnuts....
mmmm-mmmm-MMMM! "Look at all those NUTS!"
This is Cuckoo.... she likes some lap time every now and again....
Aeon is fitting right in with the rest of the flock, she is just a little bit on the heavy side...
The garden looks GREAT! I am bringing home tomatoes, okra, peas, herbs, peppers, and carrots daily!
A storm is approaching.....
Austin loves to come visit the goats!
My mom likes to come out and get some goat hugs too!
Why, HELLO mushroom!
baby potatoes...
Sometimes I feel a little sorry for Ellie having such short legs that she can't reach the leaves like Eli can....
I got the sheep sheared last weekend as well! They look like walking peeled potatoes....
Not a day goes by where Milly doesn't make me laugh....
Hey Speckles!!
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