The beauty of the farm is best taken in when the weather is cooler....the mornings are crisp, quiet, and the sun rises in a slightly more magical way. The garden is gone for the year - I had originally intended on doing a Fall garden, but I got a little lazy and am just gonna start fresh in the Spring.
We have some visitors!!
Carol actually came out to bottle-feed these babies when they were just
weeks old - now she gets to see them for the first time since then!
Richard, Carol's husband, is out for the first time to see the 'acre'
and all it's lovely chickens (they were actually my very first egg
customers!), goats, sheep, and what is left of the summer garden....and check out that pretty lil' goat in the front here - that's my Milly - SHIRTLESS AND BANDAGE FREE!!!! Doesn't she just look awesome?!?!?
Here is a Picture of Carol bottle-feeding little Misty in May of 2011.... Look how much they have grown!!! 
Misty really took to Richard.....
Milly was getting jealous of all the photo ops Misty was getting and came over to hog the camera for a close up....
Ellen could care less about getting some attention - she is the least needy of the three babies - as long as she has a cheek full of cud, she is good to go!
This is Milly's other side. She has a few patches of newly healed lesions, so when I am not out in the field, she wears a shirt - just to be on the safe side - I want to wait until the fur grows back before I trust her without one.....
Baby and Speckles have an ongoing battle ...... Speckles will stomp her hooves toward Baby, and Baby always tries to scare her by running like a bullet towards her. Neither one ever backs down and Baby got rammed and squealed a bit, but it was only her pride that got hurt.... playtime for you two is over for today......
Milly flashes that pretty smile - it has been almost a year since she has gotten to play and run without bandages and/or a shirt on! She is one happy goat girly today, and I am one happy goat mama! I was hopeful that one day I would be able to see her this healthy again - and today proved to be a success without the shirt!!!
Pancha, the wonderful, one-eyed hen, is still pretty much a loner, BUT she is no longer scared of the other girls.....
Forest enjoys the cooler weather by relaxing next to the coop and watching the hens play and peck for bugs.....
Smile, boy!!
This photo of sweet Misty looks like a painting.....
Cuckoo is taking a break from the bug hunting......
This French Black Copper Maran is giving me a nice 'catwalk' pose for the camera....ha!
Ellen taking in the fresh air of Fall......
My buddy, Eli.....
Why, hello there, pretty Miss Ellie!
Hopefully you can get better fence material soon. I have some doubts what you have right now can keep the livestock in and unwanted visitors out.