
Farm Lunchbreak

Today was so incredibly beautiful outside, I decided to run by and see my babies on my lunch break. I had to run by the County Tag office and pick up my current registration sticker for my truck, so it wasn't too far out of the way to have some midday goat and sheep therapy! Check out that sky behind Ellie!!! IMG_0275

 I get followed wherever I go out here.... such sweeties...
 My Misty:

Cute as a button Ellen... You'd never know by the cuteness factor of this pic that she is the most stubborn out of my three youngest girls! She acts just like her daddy, Eli!!
 I thought it was such a perfect day, why not take advantage and add a few pics of what I am wearing today! I just had my point and shoot camera, so the quality isn't as good as the others. I set the cam on top of an old rusty piece of junk in the field, set the self timer, and viola! Here goes:

Jacket: Target (HERE), $34.99
Dress: is actually TWO nightgowns that I thrifted, dyed, and layered, $3 each
Scarf: Knitted by ME :)
Belt: Personalized and bought at J&J Flea Market too long ago to remember how much..
Shoes: Rocketdog, ordered off Amazon a few years ago, but I just looked and they still seem to have the same shoes listed HERE

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