
I Am Thankful.....(I am playing catch-up and squeezing ten days worth of thanks in this one entry)

Wow - I can't believe I didn't have a single entry for the month of October... jeeeeez.
I usually am not as good at keeping this blog going when it's starts to cool off, but I've NEVER missed a whole month... I get lazy about the garden, mostly because I tend to do any fence work and maintenance when the weather cools off and I resort to the garden area as a temporary field for some of the farm babies. That being said, I am going to do something different this fall/winter! I am going to start NOW and jump on the "What I am thankful for" train and stress that although my farm isn't exactly the way I want it to be, and it won't be for a long time, I LOVE it LOVE it LOVE it!!!!! 

Day#1:   I am thankful for everything this farm has taught me about patience - both with humans as well as the non-human types, unconditional love, and forgiveness.. An example of this being that there have been a few of my chickens to be had by a dog- not Baby, but another dog that I do indeed love, and it happened lonnnnnng ago - and well, dogs will be dogs....it IS in their blood to hunt. 

Day#2: I am thankful for learning about all the hard work involved in farming and how getting to know your neighbors is an AWESOME thing when you were not a born farmer type!!  My neighbor, William, has been an exceptional teacher of all things DYI- I have learned to weld, fence, use big machinery and tools, and many other things I would have never thought! (.....annnnnnnnd just in case you are admiring this amazing welding job on the fence pictured, well, that is the work of this ol' gal! Well, I did it with some very much appreciated guidance from William after he taught me some welding skills!!)

Day#3: I am thankful for the opportunity of getting to know and love NATURE and the energy from this beautiful earth we live on. I am also learning with each passing year how thankful I am for the fall time/ shorter days... Wow. When your day revolves around the clock of nature, it's pretty dang sweet to be able to call it a day around 6pm when you get so used to waiting around for the last chicken to walk up the ramp to the coop around 9pm during the summers!
Day#4: I am thankful that I have such an inspiring partner in life. Christian stands by my side no matter what. He is my biggest fan, my favorite star, and my best friend. This month we celebrate 14 years together. It feels like it wasn't that long ago when we were both in our early twenties, staying up all night, drinking a zillion cups of coffee, and listening to Beatles records..... wow how time flies when you are having fun!
 Day#5: I am thankful for my relationship with my mom. She is the sweetest, strongest, most empowering woman I know. She loves a good thunderstorm and luckily passed down that love of storms to me. It is such a great reminder that we are so small in this giant world... and yet at the same time, no matter what, the storms will continue - whether you are afraid or not, so why not learn to enjoy something that is completely out of your control?   I am so thankful that my whole life, she has encouraged me to shoot for the stars, and never give up on my dreams. She taught me to be independent, strong, and to laugh at life's challenges. I am one lucky daughter....

Day#6: I am thankful for my love of photography. If you haven't noticed, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my outlet - photography. It is my therapy - not just taking pictures, but all that is involved afterwards as well - the uploading, editing, etc. I don't need a fancy schmancy camera (although, they are more fun, but not practical at the farm) and some of my favorite photos were taken with a point and shoot...the camera I use for ALL of my 'About An Acre' photos is a simple Canon Powershot SX120 or my iPhone. Canon has come out with a few newer Powershot models since I got mine, but I would imagine they would still be in the $150-$200 price range if not cheaper. It is small, takes AA batteries, and I take mine EVERYWHERE.

 Day#7: I am thankful that I have one of the best ever friends that understands my crazy ways and loves me anyway! I love that we can go long periods without having the time for a dinner, drink, or dance session, and we can pick up and go for it like no time has passed...She is willing to go on a spur of the moment mountain hike, rescue owls, or have an impromptu dance night!!  Love this gal!!

 Day#8: I am thankful for my beautiful pitbull, Baby. She is the sunlight every morning when I wake.... her ways make me smile even when it's below freezing outside and she needs to go outside. She is the first dog I got as an adult and she was two and a half and not house-trained. She tested my patience time and time again, but at the end of the day, she taught me a new lesson about responsibility. She taught me a new kind of love. Because of her, I became a better human.
 Day#9: I am thankful for my awesome brother. He and I are very close and even though he is younger, he gets me and somehow manages to keep me grounded. I admire him, am so proud of all he accomplishes, and can't wait to see what the future holds for him. I know that I am the luckiest big sis in the world for having such an amazing sibling!!

 Day#10: I am thankful for Sundays.... I am thankful for the internal clock that wakes me on Sundays at 6am (even though it's my day off), so that I can tiptoe around the house, make coffee, and read, watch shows that I didn't have time for during the week, or just get lost on the internet.... There isn't much better than being cuddled up on the couch under a blanket with absolutely NOTHING on the agenda for a few hours....

My goal for the time going forward is to share photos and entries of what's happening AT LEAST once weekly. Feel free to hold me to this by commenting on any blog entry ( I will receive an email!) and keep me on my toes!!

I am also going to be changing up the blog a little bit as well. I feel that one of my reasons for fewer updates at the farm is there is less and less to be learned, therefor, less to be written.... When I started this, EVERYTHING about farming was BRAND NEW to me, so I could write about it all. I am going to continue keeping this going, but adding a little more about who I am, and other aspects about my life, aside from the farm - what makes me ME - I LOVE to create and make things! Food, clothing, presents - you name it!

Now that I have really got the hang of the farm, the animals, and have no Fall garden this year, I have had the ample time to get back into thrifting, yard sale-ing, and sewing! My, oh, MY!!! I have missed this dearly!!! Just in time for the holidays too! I can't wait to get lost in the Christmas spirit and make presents for all my loved ones!!Thanks for allowing me to catch up and waste your time! Xoxoxoxo!!


  1. beautiful post, sandice! Thank you for sharing your world with others...it is indeed a beautiful one viewed through the lenses of your eyes and heart. grateful for you, mc
