Snowpocolypse 2014. I had hoped it would have been more. I can be happy with what we got. I am grateful that the roads were not bad at all on my route to the farm - I was amazed at how well the intersections and bridges were salted and sanded in Athens. Pretty impressive for a city that doesn't get too many snow days!! I am still hopeful that before winter is through, we will see a few more inches of this beautiful white stuff. This was the very first time my animals have seen the snow. I could not wait to go out and see how they acted...
I had to take advantage of an old school love letter to Christian in one of the garden beds...
Day one at the farm.... it was still snowing on this trip out....
The babies (three years old and still my babies) were hesitant at first to step out into this sea of white... they stayed in the areas that were protected from snowfall by overhangs. They watched Christian and Baby run and play in it...
Misty found a safe place behind me and watched....
Ellen was a bit more adventurous and was the first of the three to venture out into the field....
"Hey you guys, it's cool - see, I'm like totally safe on the white stuff".
Nom nom nom nom..... Eli is always hungry...
It was brutally cold and windy... after my fingers went numb, it was time to go... see you tomorrow, babies!
Day two: It snowed up until about 1am and the view out our kitchen window was lovely this morning....
I didn't have to work because of the possibility of icy roads, so I made a big Saturday style breakfast: bacon, grits, and buttered toast...
I have been trying my best to stick to gluten free foods due to a sensitivity I have recently identified and I have had the hardest time with it when it comes to breads and being GF. I have posted in the last month or so about finding the perfect GF flour for biscuit making and the day before this 'blizzard' I went to Trader Joes for some soups. I stumbled across this
Udi's white sandwich bread and bought it. It is surprisingly good. The toast tasted great and the texture was on point with good old fashioned white bread as well! Yay!!
After breakfast, we piled into the car to have some more snow fun with Baby and the farm crew...
It did not seem quite as cold today and the sun was even trying to peek through!
Forest was looking mighty confidant in his winter coat...
Milly was quick to get out into the field today - she seemed to feel great!

Sweet Baby had a rough morning.... on our way out to the car, a neighbors two golden retrievers were loose and ran over to greet Baby... who was on a leash. I cannot stress more to people who allow this type of behavior from their dogs.... Just like people, some dogs are not social - some have a crippling anxiety when faced with meeting a stranger dog. Baby is that way. She has to be introduced to new dogs in a very controlled environment... The lady let them run over to Baby, Baby got defensive (I mean they ran up to her - both of them - and here she is restrained on a leash without the ability to run away) and Baby snapped at one and the other one jumped in... before her son came out to get the dogs, it got ugly. Baby ended up with a bite mark on her little nose and I am pretty sure I saw her bite one of the dogs on the face. Christian and Baby got in the car and I walked over to check on the dogs. I can be angry that people don't have respect (or common courtesy) for other people's animals, but I do love all animals and wanted to make sure their dogs were ok. All seemed to be alright and we went on our way... Needless to say Baby was a little sad for the first little bit at the farm until her daddy got her mind off those silly dogs and got her interested in her tennis ball.... then it was all fun times until we left!

Misty was enjoying watching Baby run and eat and sniff and snort all the snow she could handle.....
Bye sweet babies!! Enjoy the snow!! You were bred for this weather, ya know?!?
All that time in the field and I needed something to warm me up! Spicy tomato soup with a grilled cheddar cheese sammie! Again I used the Udi's bread - this is now going to be my 'go-to' GF bread - it's the best sandwich bread I've had that is GF!!!
When we went back out to play with the animals, the sun was really starting to make a better attempt to break through the clouds, but it never fully did... All the animals were so sweet and calm in this weather... I think they really were starting to enjoy the snow...Eli's fluff was extra fluffy today....
Forest came in for an extra close up shot...
Milly's sweet smile makes me happy. I can never get enough of this one....
Eli convinced me he needed a massage because his old bones were achin' in this cold..... did Ellie....
I'm always so glad to have the extra time to spend with my animals. Yay for snow days!! They are not used to getting this much attention in the middle of the week! Eli was soaking it up too...
When I opened the coop to give the chickens fresh water and food, Pancha begged to have a look-see at the snow...Eli realized Christian was taking my pic and felt the need to smile for the camera as well. They are all hams. These animals LOVE the camera. No joke.
Here is the really fun part. You see normally the chickens don't stay in the coop, but with this cold and snow, I just felt they would be safer if they were forced to huddle up together and stay warm. Well, when I open the coop door, the chickens are trying to get out and Eli and Ellie are trying to get in. Do NOT try this at home - I am a skilled expert on this, folks.... ;)
Eli got all mad because I wouldn't let him in the coop to see his chicken friends. This is how he tells me he is upset...
Then he realizes none of that attitude is gonna work with me and decides the sweet approach might at least get him some extra alfalfa this eve. It did... My snow day is coming to an end.. wah.. back to the grind of the regular work day tomorrow....