So one of my goals for this year is to uncover and actually SEE all of the land we got. Unfortunately, this place had been neglected for some time and pretty much everything but the yard and a pasture to the left of the house was the only thing you could walk. There are a LOT of bugs, snakes, and critters out in the country, so the dead of winter seemed like the best time to tackle this stuff.... The land just past the back yard was one HUMONGOUS briar patch. I mean when I walked it off it was over 50' deep and 70' wide. I now have it down to about 20' deep and 35' wide. It is probably the worst thing I have encountered so far in clearing out the land.... Oh, and I am doing all this with hedge shears and loppers!! There are no shortcuts when dealing with briar patches this big.... Believe me - I tried to take a short cut with the lawn tractor and ended up having to bandage myself up, go back in and go over what I ran over and get it with the hedge clippers, and it proved to be the biggest waste of time! So here's what it looks like right now! I am hoping in the next few weeks, I will finally be done with the briar patch!!

...the briar patch from another angle... I took this one almost from the property line on the back side of the property. When we bought the property, nothing past the hog pen (in this pic it is the structure on the right) was accessible....
...thinning out the weed trees.... the pic below, those corner gate posts were completely hidden by overgrowth and brush, and I took this pic from the back of the property....
In the pic below, I only fenced in what I had cleared over the summer, so I may end up re-fencing this area to include all the newly uncovered land!!
The baby pines.....
View from the back of the actual yard....
I am going to do something special with these..... Can you guess? I will be using them in the next month for one of the projects on my 'Goals & dreams' list!
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