
hello friday.....

What a perfect morning.... It is cool, I have the windows open and the birds are singing. Spirulina is happily perched in an opened window (dreaming of the days she used to be an outside kitty, I'm guessing), and I have watched the morning sky go from pink to baby blue......an old dog lazily laying on his bed, feet twitching while dreaming of something fun, I hope.. so quiet, and peaceful - not a car engine, door slam, or voice can be heard out on this sleepy little dirt road...

I am excited for the weekend soooooo thankful that my little stint of sickness only lasted for a day because I have lots planned for the weekend!!

Here are a few things I am looking forward to:

Yard sales with a friend
Having another friend visit the farm
Some yard therapy (push-mowing about 2 acres - ha! Verrrrry therapeutic.)
A little work with Rose
Visiting with my mama
Catching up with Christian (we hardly see each other during the week!)
Brunch with yet another friend! (lots of frannnnd time this weekend!)
....annnnd hopefully a little time in my sewing loft, but that is not a priority this weekend.

What do you guys have planned?

Well, here is the weekly round-up of my #100HappyDays project.

day 30:
A photo posted by Sandice Thrasher (@frugalfashionablefarmer) on

A photo posted by Sandice Thrasher (@frugalfashionablefarmer) on

day 32:
A photo posted by Sandice Thrasher (@frugalfashionablefarmer) on

day 33:

day 34:
A photo posted by Sandice Thrasher (@frugalfashionablefarmer) on

Happy Friday! See ya later - xo


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