Yikes! I just realized its been three weeks since I last posted!
Hello, October....
I have been having lots of crazy good horsey dreams since my last post.....
Now that I am back from my hiatus, here is what the farm (and myself) have been up to!
First off, it finally really feels like Fall outside!!!! It is almost pecan pie time.... As I type, it is currently 52 degrees outside and I have the windows open and I have just put a pair of sweats on....
Then there was the gas shortage in town... ha! YES - I actually almost got stranded. I had to go get hay from my friend Holly's house and realized the last time I went, I decided to wait until the next time for hay to get gas for the truck.... and I just happened to have jusssssssst enough to make it to the nearest gas station that was only 3 miles up the road.... which WAS COMPLETELY OUT OF GAS. Luckily, I knew it was out and put what gas I had in the little tank for my lawnmower, in my truck and headed out to find some gas.... After visiting three stations with NO GAS, I found some at the fourth station! Whew! Close call indeed....
I have been doing little things to the house here and there, the painting of the trim, and then I finally hung some vintage circus themed curtains in the kitchen that I had gotten back in the beginning of the year. These little inexpensive things have really perked up the place, I must say! The kitchen is especially happy!
Now on to the farm critters....The chickens are still laying eggs, and I had mentioned earlier in the year that I was going to try to breed Misty this year for the first time to have milk for some soap making....Well, I have decided against that since the coyotes are so bad this year and I haven't got a place that I am confident will keep Misty and her kid safe, so that plan is on the back burner for now...
Since it is almost time for the chickens to molt, I think I am going to plan on collecting the feathers this year and try to make a dream catcher or two! Anyone ever done this? I have some girls out here with some pretty feathers, and I never do anything with the feathers, but always admire their beauty...
Last week we had some great friends visiting that had been temporarily displaced by hurricane Matthew. Luckily they were able to go home a few days ago, and aside from their yard having some fallen trees, and limbs strewn about, their home was spared from flooding or any damage from fallen trees. I was happy to see my Shannon.... She has been one of my best friends since grade school and she is one of those that no matter how much time or distance comes between us, we have never grown apart in our hearts. Love that girl and am so glad her home is OK!
(left: this time last year, right: last week at The Grill!)
My sister also came up for the weekend and as usual, we had a blast. She is really growing up into a woman (ohhhhh, how I remember holding that tiny gal when she was just a baby!) and I am still in disbelief sometimes at how much our lives have changed for the worse and then the better since our dad passed. I don't think things have ever been better between her, my brother, and myself and I know our dad is so proud of her!!
There has been a hay shortage....again....because it hasn't rained here in two months! My poor fields have been so thirsty and my evening chores have had to include feeding everyone hay since there is no grass, which adds a little more time to my farm chores... Luckily I was able to get a load of hay delivered to Holly's house a few months ago (because I haven't gotten a place ready for large amounts of hay storage), and that should last me for a while...
This evening and through next week, I have committed to helping out at a local animal rescue....so be prepared to see some adorable faces of animals in need of a furever home! As much as I would love to help out by fostering a few dogs, I know that I cannot afford any more mouths to feed and that a foster would surely turn into me keeping them.... Anyone in the Athens vicinity have a fenced yard and want to foster a sweet pup, and shower him/her with love until a furever home is found, get in touch with me!
(this little guy was an owner surrender. He is such a sweetheart and is heartworm positive. He is a Golden Retriever/ Chow mix. Even if you cannot commit to fostering, these guys will always enjoy a nice walk and some attention from a sweet human)
So, that is the happenings at the farm since I was last here... The sunsets have been so gorgeous, the evenings have been a bit breezy and cooler, and unfortunately there has still been no rain :( ...
I haven't touched my good camera, so all of these were taken with the always accessible iPhone. It is Thursday and I am really looking forward to this weekend. With my sister coming up, and having to scramble to get the air mattress set up for her in the loft (we have no spare rooms - if you haven't noticed, our home is pretty small!), it made me realize that I need to get the loft area a bit more organized, which always means that I come across fabrics that I have forgotten about....and THAT means some fun sewing projects are on the way! On that note, I end with a plethora of pics of the farm and the rest of the farm crew since my last post!
Hello..... Aren't you going to fix ME a plate as well?
Spirulina has been binge-watching True Blood. Again..
Hazel does not like having to be fed. She would much rather have a field of grass to eat when she chooses....
Eddie loves his BarkBox....
foggy autumn mornings....
these two..... you cannot crinkle a bag or run the sink without either one of them thinking you are about to prepare a meal for them... ha!
Another one of Eddie's BarkBox treasures....
ohhhhhhh, Eli....
Hell kitty.
well, hello there, Miss Grasshopper!
...the hornless unicorn, Hazel....
...sunset shadows....
Someone donated a bunch of chicken scratch to my girls! Boy, did this make them happy!
After hauling hay to all the animals, this is the best way to wind down for a good night's sleep...
....this beauty.... My sweet Rose...
Happy Thursday! I have missed blogging, even though I have managed to keep myself busy, so I am hoping to be back at it more than every few weeks...maybe I'll even be back tomorrow ;)
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