Some of you probably thought this post was gonna be about running a half freakin' way. I am good staying at around 3 miles for my 'on foot distance walking/ running', but this post is about distance I suppose........
You see, 13.1 miles is the distance to work from the farm. 13.1 miles away from all that makes me happy. It seems much farther when I am driving away from it, and I never can seem to get home fast enough in the evenings after work..... 13.1 miles between me and the job that I am fortunate enough to have so that the mortgage can be paid. 13.1 miles...... between me and my happiest place on earth.
Last night I changed my blades and deck belt on my John Deere and cannot wait to start wearing them out again! To most folks keeping up with 9 acres might seem daunting, and when I have been without my trusty ol' JD, it is!! As long as she is running and willing, my time on her is spent carving out paths, grooming the land I made into a private park, and sometimes just getting Eli riled up...ha!
I started mowing yesterday evening with the walking path around the perimeter of the farm, where we mostly check fencelines every morning....
I also have been enjoying converting one of the old kennels on the property into a little 'daycare' space for Reece when I pick him up for day-cations away from the rescue shelter. He loves it. He basks in the sun while I work on the property and really seems to love the peace and quiet of the farm. He also is used to the goats now and doesn't make a fuss at all when he sees them.... His little play area has a pool, his own doggy door into the shop, and lots of toys. I even have a lounging chair in his kennel so I can bask in the sun with him when I need to rest....
Everything is in bloom, and the baby garden plants are slowly coming up even with these cold and frosty mornings.... My tomatoes & peppers are still inside, and the plan is to put them in the ground on Good Friday.....
I even spotted my first pretty weed daisy this morning......
The inside of the workshop is almost ready for fun sewing times ahead, as I have moved most of what needs moving and now just need to organize. Slow but steady.... and zero stressing....

Around the end of Summer last year, I realized I was allowing myself to become stressed over things that are supposed to be fun, so, I decided to incorporate fun into most all my chores, plans, and goals, and that means little to no stress! One recent example: Last Saturday morning, I bought my mower blades and had prepared to spend the afternoon replacing them so that all day Sunday I could mow and work on the farm, but the universe was like "Ummmm no. You need to be reminded how you are not actually in charge. Let's see how you deal with that..." So what was supposed to be a short trip to the local animal control to drop off a dog for her forever home transport heading to Denver, CO., turned into and all day event after the driver got bitten while her hand was down a dog's throat choking. Long story short, the dog didn't mean to bite her, she saved choking dog's life, and still drove the other dog to Denver, BUT it was near dark when I made it back home...and I just rolled with it all...and yes, I made the most of it and had fun!
So I am happy to have fun plans to play on my mower this weekend, as it is always fun to have fun things lined up. Reece will be here again, we will go on lots of fun farm walks, I will watch some Twin Peaks with Christian, lay on the lawn with Eddie, have brunch with a friend, and probably run around with the goats, literally lean on Rose as she leans into me 'hugging' me, and maybe even braiding Hazel's mane..... 13.1 miles. Seems like a hundred. Feels like hours sometimes to get home, but it is only 13.1 miles. When I pulled into the driveway this eve, knowing the darkness wouldn't come for hours later, it immediately felt like time stopped in order for me to play..... I love my farm.....and I cherish my evenings, weekends, and early morning fenceline checks.
anyway, happy weekend, folks! I am off to play......
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