
want/ need/ hear/ read

With a new week beginning and my most perfect little blogging hub perfected, I wanted to switch up the segments a bit with this little comeback..... Mondays will now be the new home for the 'want/ need/ hear/ read' posts. I mean Mondays are the perfect place for a little inspiration and music, right?

I have been wanting to start working on ideas for a cute little fence at the shop in the front. Something that would allow Eddie or Reece to be off-leash on the lawn there, while I work on the landscaping, or blog from my new little table, or just lay in the sun. So, for now, just looking at different ideas. I would be doing it all myself to save $$, but there are so many cute styles out there!

Yes. Still needing one of these. For now, I am the human version of one of these. Manually bushhogging, chopping, and devouring overgrowth. While it is good for me physically, it is HARD WORK. One of these babies would make life a whole lot easier.....


Hill Lily Magazine - you can get your copy HERE
Hill Lily is a great little zine with contributions from ladies across the nation. An issue for each season.....Mother, sisters, wives, homesteaders, homemakers, girlfriends, etc. Chock full of photographs, recipes, stories, poetry, art, and experiences. It is super inspiring to ne able to take a peak into these other lives.... this first pic may be a submission from yours truly about the first time I ever had to kill any living thing. It was not fun or empowering in the least bit for me, and I hope I never have to kill an intruder ever again....

"Hill Lily Magazine is a publication for women and femmes who homestead, live and build off-grid, farm, practice animal husbandry and land stewardship, and explore sustainable womanhood. Hill Lily aims to be a big pot for the ‘stone soup’ of your wisdom, dreams, trials, recipes, useful tips, instructions, craft, building blueprints, maps, beloved book recommendations, stories, photos, art, poems, songs, and lore. Whether you live on forty acres in the woods with no electricity or have an herb garden and a few backyard chickens in the city, or simply love nature, craft, and food, this is a zine to connect you with other resilient babes."

edited by Daisy Greenberg

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