How's your week been?
I am SO OVER this cold rainy season. Give us some snow or ice already! It is harder for me to blog when the weather is so nasty!!! I just get it all done, and hardly look up while I am outside feeding, filling troughs, and walking Reece... I don't mind the cold AT ALL, but when it is cold, wet, and rainy, I'm not enjoying any of it.
I am still seriously contemplating bangs. I am also going to "sleep on this" a few more nights because even though I've had bangs several times, this time I am slightly more on the fence about it...

I have also been thinking about how having a cell phone these days has become a bit too much. It has gone from being able to easily reach anyone in a pinch, to ALWAYS being at someone else fingertips! I have been guilty of this myself... I have also been guilty of not being present for face-to-face opportunities with friends and family because of my iPhone.... What was once innovation is now something we cannot function without. It is almost like without a phone on us at all times, we have become handicapped. I am taking some steps to change this for myself - I have been carrying my actual pocket point-and-shoot around with me, and using the "do not disturb" function on the phone most evenings when I get home from work... It is quite nice I must say...
Also, I am on day 10 of plant-based, clean eating with zero refined sugar or processed foods!!!! That will change on Sunday because I am doing the Sunday Sweet Stuff post, but it will be veggie friendly and a more healthy treat than any of my previous sweets... Sunday is the day I have chosen for my free day, so I am super excited and looking forward to a little cheat. I feel so much better already, and I am optimistic that this is the game changer for my energy, health, and overall wellness. We shall see what the coming weeks prove.
I am SO READY for the weekend, and getting some time in with my sewing machine. What you got planned?
see ya tomorrow with my weekly photo project!
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