

First off, I now have to close the windows at 6:30am to prevent the lovely morning sounds of Mr. Waylon's crowing from awakening the whole house.... bahahahaah! 


An adult trike like this. It would be perfect for loading my tools on and riding around the farm for various small projects…. 

They *even* make cargo trailers for adult trikes for this reason! Omg. Let me know if you see one of these listed locally (Athens, GA) for sale at a reasonable price!


My Chip Drop!! I’ve been on the list for quite some time now, and really need to cover some substantial area of weed cloth… it’s free so I’ll wait until it comes, but has anyone else ever signed up for & gotten their chip drop load? 


Any LCD Soundsystem. Back when I dj’d LCD was always on deck because the music livens up any mood and honestly sounds so fresh every time I listen to it - even if it’s been decades. Thank you James Murphy. 



We just finished up the almost FIVE HOUR directors cut of “Until the End of the World”. A five hour movie sounds daunting I know, but we watched it like it was a miniseries. An hour here, and hour there, and it was truly a fun and captivating watch! William Hurt became a new crush, and it is set in (the future) 1999, so it’s always fun to see what was imagined life would be like and remember how it really was…. 

have a most amazing Tuesday! 



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